About Us
Close to a decade before the Boston Tea Party, the British Parliament passed the Stamp Act of 1765. However, the citizens of Wilmington, North Carolina, expressed their strong opposition to the act through a series of protests and militia actions, ultimately causing the resignation of the distributor of stamps and two other crown officers. As a result, the Stamp Act of 1765 was never enforced.
In September 1921, Stamp Defiance Chapter, NSDAR, was formed in Wilmington, North Carolina. The chapter celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2021. Our chapter was named after the actions of those citizens of Wilmington who opposed the Stamp Act of 1765.

To celebrate our chapter’s 100th anniversary, we donated a replica swivel gun to Moores Creek National Battlefield. This type of gun was utilized during the battle. The Park Rangers will occasionally fire the gun at the national park for commemorative and educational activities.

Our 100th anniversary included a luncheon with visiting state officers, entertainment, and a book we published that covers our chapter’s first 100 years.

Every October, our chapter joins in the National DAR Day of Service by donating thousands of pounds of food to the local food bank. This food is distributed to school-age children and their families who are experiencing food insecurity.
Our chapter meets in the months from January through May and September through December. A typical meeting includes social time, a guest speaker, and a business meeting. We also hold Junior and evening meetings four times a year. In addition, we have special meetings such as our Christmas tea and May luncheon.
Our Christmas tea is a festive social event and the May luncheon includes awards to both members and community heroes. Our chapter book club meets four times each year for a meal and a lively discussion of the book of choice.
We encourage anyone interested in joining DAR to attend one of our meetings to better understand the DAR organization and especially our chapter. You can also learn more about our chapter by going to the “What We Do” webpage.
Please contact us for more information.