Listed by their state of service are the names and ranks of the ancestors of the members of the Stamp Defiance Chapter, NSDAR. This list includes Patriots of the American Revolutionary War and ancestors who contributed to the cause for independence through civil or patriotic service. For more information on a particular Patriot, please visit the NSDAR Ancestor Search webpage.
For a list of acceptable services, see the Accepted American Revolutionary War Service webpage for more information.
Hezekiah Carpenter, PVT
Eliphalet Clark, PVT
Daniel Davidson, PVT
David Doty, LT, PS
Hezekiah Huntington, MAJ, PS
Jehiel Jones, PVT
John Kent, PVT
Joseph Nearing, PVT, PS
John Peck, CS, PS
Amos Reed, PVT
John Roberts, NONCOM
Luke Rowland, CPL
John Starr, CS, PS
Nathaniel Stillman, CAPT
Bayze Wells, LT
John Young, SGT
James Lester, SOL
Joseph Sumner, SOL
Caleb Welsh, SOL
Zachariah Dowden, SOL, PS
Edward Edelen, PVT, PS
Marshall Galloway, PVT
Edward Hamilton, LT
John Plant, SGT, PS
Alexander Reed, PVT, PS
Israel Alden, PVT
James Butterfield, CAPT, PS
Richard Caton, PVT
Ebenezer Chase, PVT
Waters Chillson, SGT
Robert Davis, CAPT
Robert Davis, CAPT
Reuben Earle, PVT
Samuel Edwards, PVT
Zachariah Fairchild, SGT
Oliver Glazier, PVT
William Merchant, CAPT, PS
Daniel Moffatt, PVT
Joel Moffatt, PVT
Richard Montague, STAFFOF
Amos Morse, Jr., PVT
Asa Parker, CPL
Caleb Parmenter, Jr., PVT
Ebenezer Sanderson, 1LT
Joseph Wise, PS
Nathaniel Woods, PVT
New Hampshire
James Butterfield, CAPT, PS
Jonathan Woodbury, PVT
New Jersey
Elisha Barton, CAPT
Gerardus Beekman, PS
John W. Christy, PVT, PS
William Christy, PS
David Benjamin Demarest, PS
Joseph Doty, PVT
David Duryea, PS
Elizabeth Mills Frazee, PS
Isaac Frazee, PS
Obediah Herbert, PVT
David Howell, PVT, PS
John Jordan, PVT
James Lambert, Sr., PS
Eleazer Lindsey, LCOL
Bateman Lloyd, Sr., CS, PS
Jonathan McPeek, PVT
John Mead, PS
Peter Mead, PS
Thomas Moore, CS, PS
Samuel Patrick, PVT, PS
James Quackenbush, ENS
John Simpson, CPL
Thomas Skillman, Jr., PVT
Thomas Skillman, Sr., PS
John Stelle, PS
Hendrick Stryker, PS
Ephraim Tucker, PS
Cornelius Van Horn, PS
Benjamin Winans, CAPT
New York
Isaac Belknap, CAPT
James Butterfield, CAPT, PS
Benjamin Carpenter, PS
David Doty, LT, PS
Frederick Hoke, PVT
Johannes Hornbeck, PVT
Samuel Lape, SOL
Joost Montfort, PS
Thomas Nelson, PS
Peter Overbagh, PVT
James Quackenbush, ENS
Reynier Quackenbush, CAPT
Luke Rowland, CPL
John Simpson, CPL
Nicholas Snell, PVT
Beekman Van Buren, PS
Martin Van Evera, PVT
Jacobus Van Orden, PS
John Young, SGT
North Carolina
Frederick Albarty, ENS
Thomas Ashcraft, PS
John Lewis Beard, CAPT, PS
John Bell, CS
John Blakeney, Jr., STAFFOF
William Bland, PS
John Blanks, SOL
Wimbeck Boney, SOL
William Boone, PVT
Thomas Boyd, PS
Josiah Brandon, SOL
David Bray, ENS
Hilary Brinson, PVT
Barnet Brock, LT
William Bryan, BGEN, PS
Henry Bulls, Sr., PS
John Cabe, PS
John Carr, PVT
Amos Church, PVT
Barney Clapp, PVT, PS
John Conyers, SOL
Edward Cox, LT
David Crawley, CAPT
John Creech, SOL, PS
William Cromartie, PVT, PS
Jesse Croom, SOL
Conrad Crump, PVT, PS
John Crump, PS
Thomas Dale, PS
Francis Day, PVT
William Dennis, MAJ
James Devane, CAPT
Joseph Dobson, Jr., CAPT
Thomas Donoho, MAJ
Samuel Espy, CAPT
Isaac Farmer, PS
Southy Fisher, LT, PS
John Flack, CS
Samuel Flake, CS, PS
Tarpley Flint, SOL, PS
James Foy, LT, PS
John Garis, PS
Joseph Gibbs, CAPT
James Gillespie, CAPT, PS
Benjamin Glaze, PS
James Godwin, PS
William Goss, CS, PS
John Graves, Sr., CS, PS
Joseph Green, CAPT, PS
Andrew Hampton, COL, CS, PS
Selby Harney, COL
Sion Harrington, PS
Johan Adam Hedrick, LT, PS
Samuel Henderson, PS
Richard Herring, CS, PS
Philip Hewitt, SOL, PS
Thankfull Weeks Hicks, PS
James Hodges, SOL
Thomas Hoover, PS
Thomas Hoover, PS
John Irwin, PVT
Curtis Ivey, CAPT
James James, PS
Lewis Jernigan, PS
Lancelot Johnston, STAFFOF
Richard Keele, PVT
Daniel Kerr, PVT
Joseph Keyes, PVT, PS
James King, PVT
William Kinney, SOL
Peter Kivett, CS, PS
Abraham Kuykendall, CAPT, CS, PS
Thomas Lamb, SOL
James Lea, CS, PS
John Lea, PS
James Lee, PVT
Samuel Leonard, SOL
James Lewis, PVT
John Lewis, SOL
Harrison Macon, CAPT, PS
Benjamin May, MAJ, CS, PS
Nathan Mayo, CS, PS
Alexander Mcallister, COL, PS
Hugh Mccreary, PS
James B. Mcdaniel, LT
John Melvin, SOL
Mordecai Mendenhall, PS
Robert Merritt, CAPT
James Middleton, CAPT
James Mills, SOL, PS
James Moore, PVT
Patrick Murphy, CS, PS
Daniel Nantz, SOL, PS
William Neal, CS
Reuben Newman, PVT
Benjamin Newton, CAPT
William Oates, PS
Robert Peele, PS
William Pigford, PS
John Pinnell, LT, PS
Jacob Pollard, PVT
Francis Pridgen, PVT
David Raynor, PS
Ralph Reagan, CAPT
Noel Renfrew, PS
Henry Rhodes, LCOL, PS
Thomas Rice, CS
Edward Richardson, PS
John Rivenbark, CS
Arthur Robbins, CS
Thomas Rogers, PS
Jesse Rooks, PVT, CS
John Root, PS
David Ross, Jr., PVT
William Ryals, PVT
John Shamel, LT, PS
Isham Sheffield, CAPT
Nathaniel Slade, PVT
Thomas Slade, PS
George Smith, PS
Henry Smith, PVT
William Stalcup, PS
Thomas Sutton, SOL
Levi Swain, SOL, CS, PS
Thomas Tart, PVT
Richard Tatum, PS
Thomas Viverette, PS
Solomon Walker, LT
James Walton, SOL
David Ward, CS
Samuel Ware, SOL
Jacob Wells, PS
Solomon Wetherington, PVT
Mary Buck Willett, PS
David Williams, PVT
Joseph Williams, PVT
Shadrach Wooten, PS
Bartlett Yancey, PS
James Yancey, PS
John Yopp, PS
Robert Baird, PVT
Andrew Billmeyer, PVT
Martha Green Bracken, PS
Joshua Brown, SOL
John Cunnius, LCOL
Thomas Fee, PVT
Henry Fortney, Sr., PS
Jost Fulmer, SOL
Peter Gerberich, PVT
Conrad Goode, PS
Johan Georg Gooshorn, ENS, PS
Ulrich Hostetter, ENS
Thomas Johnston, PVT, PS
Johann Leonhard Klotz, PS
Henry William Lawall, COL, PS
Noah Lee, PVT, PS
Jonathan Mundle, SOL
David Phillips, CAPT, PS
Jacob Rich, CAPT, PS
Robert Smith, COL, CS, PS
David Wharry, Sr., PS
Adam Wise, Sr., PS
Abraham Zuber, LT, PS
South Carolina
John Bethea, PS
John Blakeney, Jr., STAFFOF
Thomas Farr, SOL
Francis Fontaine, PVT
John Gregg, SOL
Richard Harvin, PVT, PS
James Lewis, PVT
William Massey, LCOL, CS, PS
Moses Parker, CS
Andrew Pickens, BGEN
Nicholas Prince, PVT, CS, PS
Keating Simmons, MAJ, PS
Andrew Smoke, PVT
Hugh Stanaland, PS
Philip Tippins, PVT
Richard Tutt, LT, CS
Matthias Vought, SOL
Anthony White, Sr., PS
Samuel Higgins, PVT
Joseph Allen, SOL
Elizabeth Hitt Arnold, PS
John Arnold, SGT, PS
Nichollas Arnold, PS
William Baskett, LT, PS
Walter Bernard, PVT
Isham Blake, SOL
Robert Bland, CS
George Booth, CPL
Aaron Brown, PVT
Daniel Burford, Sr., PS
Jacob Carwile, PVT
Howard Cash, PVT
John Chapman, LT
Simon Cochran, PVT
Terence Connor, PVT
Peter Dietrich, CPL
John Dillard, CAPT, PS
Beltheshazzar Dragoo, SOL
John Ellison, PS
John Evans, COL, CS
Jesse Freeman, PS
William Gaines, PVT
John Garrard, PS
William T. Gaulden, PVT
Richard Gentry, PVT
Churchill Gibbs, LT, PS
Ann Hitt Graves, PS
Ann X Graves, PS
Starling Gunn, PVT
William Harris, Jr., CAPT
William Harris, Sr., PS
William Hartshorn, PS
John Harvey, CAPT
Thomas Harvey, PVT, PS
Isaac Hawes, CS
John Henderson, PS
James Hendricks, PS
Barbara Cook Hester, PS
Peter Hitt, PS
Dinah Allen James, PS
John James, PS
John Jolliff, LT
John Jones, PVT, PS
John Joyner, PS
Richard Keele, PVT
Margaret Eskridge Kenner, PS
Richard Lancaster, PVT
Drury Leadbetter, PVT
John Lee, CAPT, PS
William Robert Leslie, SOL, PS
Ruel Lewis, PVT
Thomas Livezey, Sr., PS
Absalom Looney, Sr., PS
John Loving, CAPT
Joseph Martin, LCOL, CS, PS
Alexander Mcintire, CS, PS
Dudley Mitchum, PS
Jeremiah Monday, PVT
Zacquill Morgan, COL, PS
Isaac Morris, PVT
David Motley, PVT
William Neal, PVT
William Norman, PVT
Samuel Paxton, NONCOM
Overton Pennock, PVT
William Sanford Pickett, CS, PS
Joel Preston, PVT
Michael Price, CS
Isaac Quarles, PS
Jacob Rich, CAPT, PS
John Rogers, CAPT
Samuel Shelton, PS
John Shepard, PS
Thomas Simms, SGT
Daniel Singleton, SGT, PS
Frederick Strosnider, PS
Benjamin Sublett, CPL
Philip Teeter, PS
Charles Thomas, PS
James Tinder, PS
Leonard Tutwiler, PVT
Abraham Van Meter, PS
Mary Sims Walton, PS
Simeon Walton, CS
Thomas Weakley, PVT
James Wills, PS
William Witcher, CAPT, CS
Richard Woolfolk, PS, CS
Sowyel Woolfolk, PS
William Youel, PVT
Abbreviations for
Patriot Service Ranks
1LT — 1st Lieutenant
BGEN — Brigadier Gen
CAPT — Captain
CS — Civil Service
COL — Colonel
CPL — Corporal
ENS — Ensign
LT — Lieutenant
LCOL — Lieutenant Colonel
MAJ — Major
NONCOM — Non-Commissioned
PS — Patriot Service
PVT — Private
SGT — Sergeant
SOL — Soldier
STAFFOF — Staff Officer